Friday, 15 April 2011

Stephen Cameron Murder

Last July, I spent 3 days filming a Drama / Documentary for a Manchester based production Company called "Title Role" for a series called "Crimes that Shook Britain" The episode I am in is about the Murder of a young lad called Stephen Cameron by a man called Kenneth Noye.

Quite a frightening story of Road-Rage for which Mr Noye is still in prison, and I really hope he stays there for a long time. The Fiance of Stephen Cameron, who was with him when he was stabbed and left to die on the slip road of the M25, is still under Police protection because she identified Mr Noye, and allegedly he has put a contract out on her life.

Watch the show if you are in the UK. I am playing the Father of the murdered boy along with an amazing lady called Diana Stenson playing his Mother

Flier for the TV Show

Me and Diana, a still from the film, shot in the public gallery of a court during the reconstruction of the trial of Noye. Actually filmed in the Old Court house in Stafford town centre's Shire Hall. Hopefully it should be an interesting and informative show. If you see it let me know.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Two weeks have flown by since my last post, I have been rather busy, I have taken on a part time temporary job as a Census Collector, That is keeping me busy for 25 hours a week chasing up any stragglers who have not yet completed their census forms. Quite interesting work though.

As well as that I have recently sacked my old theatrical agent after spending 42+ weeks telephoning them every Friday telling them that I am available for work, and getting nothing, Zilch. A couple of weeks ago I had a go at them and the Hard faced booking clerk tried to tell me off. Anyway I have sacked PHA.

Remember that name, don't touch them, they are recruiting all the time, charging people for an induction course (with a promise that if they don't find you a job in 6 months you can have your money back) so they are taking on so many new staff, who must get at least one job that they cannot find work for their long suffering older staff.

My new agent whose name I am not going to broadcast at present, has already found me two jobs. Last Saturday I shot a single non speaking scene, I was playing a Lawyer against Max Beasley Snr. (Father of the well known Max Beasley) who has in fact been in music and acting for many years. During the time scenes were being set I had chance to have a chat with him. What a lovely man, a Mancunian and it transpired that I used to work with his Uncle at Belle-Vue back in the early sixties. What a small world.

I have another walk-on job booked for this coming Thursday but as yet I don't know what that is, nor do I care as long as it puts a couple of pennies in the family tin.

Just in case anyone reads this who cares, This coming Sunday evening at 9.00pm on the UK Sky channel called "The Crime Channel" there will be "Crimes that shook Britain - The Stephen Cameron Murder" I am playing the Father of Stephen Cameron and my wife is being played by the wonderful Diana Stenson. Watch it if you can, and let me know what you think.

Friday, 1 April 2011


Just spent a couple of hours on the reservoir and managed to land a Rainbow trout just a fraction under 3 lbs. Quite proud of that really.

Caught it on a 'Stick Fly' tied by me of course, I remember well the first trout I caught on a home tied fly; It does give a sort of Hunter/Gatherer buzz to catch food in that manner. The joke is I am not really that fond of Trout, but She who must be obeyed likes them so that gets me the required brownie points.