Monday, 7 November 2022

Winter Draws on

 Or should that be Winter Drawers On ?

Well, Halloween and Bonfire night went by un-noticed in the Jones House.  I don't feel like a Rant at the moment about the crazy costs of those two I won't.

I went to my Wood turning Seminar last month, Organised by the AWGB (Association of Woodturners of G.B.) an amazing weekend of watching very talented professional Turners doing demonstrations.  It was in Stone, Staffordshire at an event centre called Yarnfield Park - Staying in On-site accommodation.  Accomodation good,  the food was nothing to write home about, but it was adequate.  Couldn't fault the breakfasts but the rest, well it was sort of OK.

The turning on the other hand.  Just a few Pics

Fire Bowl by Neil Turner

Seed Pod by Neil Turner

Coloured Platter by Paul Hannaby

From the Bank  by Joey Richardson

The Photographs are not brilliant, but you can google the individuals and see much more.  The thing is, have they inspired me to go on to greater things.  Well, the inspiration is there but the talent and the artistry are sadly missing.

Onwards and Upwards!