Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Hog Low Pike

Had a great walk yesterday, we did a circular route around the Grane Reservoirs, eventually reaching the triangulation point at Hog Low Pike, and then carrying on the derelict quarry workings above the Reservoirs, dropping down to Calf Hey and back to the car. It sounds quick when I say it like that but we were out for around 4 hours. A lot of that time was admiring the views on a particularly fine morning, and having the occasional sit down for a well deserved drink and snack.

The hill to the south of the Grane reservoirs has numerous sites of quarry workings going back many many years. I don't know enough about the industrial archeology of the area to go too deeply into it, however, an interesting point for readers who are not from this area, The paving stones in Trafalgar Square (that's in that London place down south somewhere!) and various other London streets are paved with Stone from these quarries.

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