Blimey, has summer come at last? She who must be obeyed is visiting her friend Margaret in Llandudno or we may have had the second Barbecue of the year, but she is and we didn't.
Had a good day today, took the Harley for a gentle ride over to Settle and back calling in at Slaidburn for the customary mug of Tea and a chat with fellow motorcyclists - very pleasant.
This evening went for a couple of hours fishing at my club reservoir. Excellent couple of hours, Missed a couple of fish, returned three fish to fight again, and brought home my bag limit of three fish - a total of 5 lbs (roughly 2.3 Kg) All caught on a dry fly called (and representative of) "Daddy Longlegs" That is a crane fly - Tipula Maxima, I believe our colonial friends from the wrong side of the Atlantic call some kind of Spider a Daddy Longlegs, but what do they know?
The piccies show a proper "Daddy" and the three fish (Which are now in my freezer) complete with a 6 inch steel ruler to give some perspective.
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