Tuesday, 6 October 2009

veni, vidi, vici.

Recently via the social networking site that I call Face-Ache, some friends and I have been playing with puns based on the above quotation from Julius Caesar. The real meaning of course is "I came, I saw, I conquered" all three words being the first person perfect tense of the verbs venire, to come: -videre, to see: - vincere, to conquer. The quotation can be found in the writings of Plutarch and Suetonius and was made in c47BC
And of course the classical latin pronunciation would have been wenni, widi, wicki. Forgive my amateurish phonetic interpretation, but I have never mastered the correct OED method.
I have been quite amused by these I hope you are - feel free to send me any more.

veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered

veni, vidi, veggie - I came, I saw, I had a Salad

veni, vidi, verily - I came, I saw, I Concurred

veni, vidi, vd - I came, I saw, I Clapped

veni, vidi, V8 - I came, I saw, I left very Quickly

veni, vidi, viola - I came, I saw, I made a screeching noise

veni, vidi, vacuum - I came, I saw, I cleaned up

veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around

veni, vidi, vendor - I came, I saw, I sold

veni, vidi, vomit - I came, I saw, I drank too much

veni, vidi, vacuus - I came, I saw, I didn’t think

veni, vidi, venturi - I came, I saw, I created a vacuum

veni, vidi, ventilate - I came, I saw, I breathed fresh air

veni, vidi, velociraptor - I came, I saw, I watched a Spielberg movie

veni, vidi, VCR - I came, I saw, I rented the Video

veni, vidi, vanish - I came, I saw, I disappeared

veni, vidi, varnish - I came, I saw, I had a beautiful finish

veni, vidi, venison - I came, I saw, I ran over a deer

veni, vidi, Volvo - I came, I saw, I failed to indicate

veni, vidi, visa - I came, I saw, I did a little shopping

veni, vidi, V-Rod - I came, I saw, I bought a Harley
veni, vidi, Victoria - I came, I saw, I was not amused
veni, vidi, Vinci - I came, I saw, I smiled enigmatically

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