Thursday, 18 February 2010


I've been missing a few posts again, sorry to my regular readers, I have been rehearsing and preparing to appear in the local Pantomime. If you are not English true born (or perhaps Welsh) and you don't know what a pantomime is - tough. Try Google!
Anyway I am playing dame in 'Snow white and the seven dwarfs' so I have had to shave off my beloved beard - tonight was the dress rehearsal and it went quite well! That is worrying me a little as usually a good dres reh. means a bloody awful show! Maybe this time things will be different. I have put a photo of the beard half on - or is that half off? just to give a small amount of amusement to my friends. The last time I shaved I found a young man beneath. this time I have found my father. now that is worrying!

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