Monday, 8 November 2010

Sawley Abbey

For years, riding one or other of the motorbikes towards the countryside to the north of Jones Towers, I have ridden past Sawley Abbey. Only recently did I manage to stop and walk around the place. Well worth a few minutes of your time if you are anywhere near the Clitheroe area. It is signposted off the A59 just to the East of Clitheroe.

A nice view of Pendle Hill taken 'contra-jour' with part of the Abbey silhouetted against the autumn sky

She who must be obeyed stood by what used to be the monks Lavvies

Apparently a Cistercian Abbey founded in 1147 or 1148 on the banks of the River Ribble, by William Percy II. Although the old Monks found the place rather inhospitable and the weather inclement, they were there until 1536 when Henry VIII pulled the plug.
As I said if you are anywhere near it is worth a visit and it is FREE! Other than that google it.

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