Over a month now since I even logged on to this wonderful blogging medium, I can only blame a paucity of time management skills.
I have been busy, but not so busy that I couldn't get on here, I can always find time to nosy around face-book to see what friends are doing, or spend time on e-bay looking for a bargain, so what have I been doing?
Summer has been pretty poor as anyone in the UK will be aware, so the gardening has been odd again. Good potato crop, poor tomato crop and zero Aubergines. Apparently it has been the coldest summer for a number of years, which of course affects some crops and helps others. all in all just when I think I am learning a bit about horticulture, something happens to prove it is a bigger subject than one might think.
I have spent some time out on the Harley-Davidson and very little time out on the AJS. I feel unsure of my own engineering capabilities regarding the AJS, it being a British motorcycle and rather prone to the occasional breakdown. This coming winter I intend to spend some time doing serious maintenance and feeling better about it.
I have been doing quite a lot of wood-turning, and in fact through the Wood turning club I have joined, attended a few craft fairs. In fact we have one coming up this coming Sunday (11th Sept) at Townely Park in Burnley. It is a part of a celebration called "Wood-Fest" obviously a festival of wood, I'm looking forward to it, I only hope the present inclement weather improves a touch.
I have also been fishing a couple of times, but the fishing (for Me) has been quite poor, possibly because of the unusually cold weather! It still is a pleasant pass time to go and stand on the banks of a reservoir for a couple of hours, away from the bustle and throng etc. and watch the wildlife.
I do have a tough life. More to follow, I promise.
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