Thursday, 11 October 2012

Turning Demonstration

I went on Saturday last (6th Oct) to a demonstration of wood turning at my club. ( Pendle Woodturners and Carvers.  ) the demo was by a lady turner by the name of  Margaret Garrard.  see   below are a three poor photographs of some of the work she brought along to the demo.
She specialises in 'involute' turning where two or more usually four pieces of wood are glued together,  a design is then turned into that wood, the glued joints separated the individual pieces of wood are then glued back together with the turned pattern on the inside.  
The piece is then turned again to produce the finished article.

She also does a lot of pierced and decorated work.  The Plate shown below is a lovely example of this.  the plate has been turned from (I think) Sycamore  (Acer pseudoplatanus) and turned extremely finely to a thickness of no more the 2 or 3 millimetres.  The flowers then painted on,  she uses various means to paint, but airbrush is her chosen method,  then the piercing is done with a type of dentist drill.

As you can see, she is a very artistic and talented lady.  One of the top turners in the country at present.  In fact she is exhibiting at an exhibition in London at Carpenter's Hall from 17th to 20th October.  The Exhibition is called "Wizardry in Wood"   Have a look at

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