Thursday, 20 January 2022

Winter Chill

 Thursday 20th Jan, and the Temperature has dropped quite dramatically,  still we are at least more than halfway through January so artound six weeks from now we will be in March.  I always think that by the time March starts the cold weather is behind us and we can look forward to lighter nights and the onset of Spring.

I was reminded last night that two or so posts back I used the phrase "Pics to follow" and I have consequently upset my loyal fans (Both of them) that I didn't follow up with the promised pics...  I had made some wooden sheep:-

So here they are.

Last night I was at a meeting of Pendle Woodturners and Carvers, in Burnley.  One of our older (Or should I say longer serving) members did a superb demonstration on making pens.  Most of us wood turners make pens from time to time, but I always find it interesting to see another turner at work and glean some information re his methods.  The member in question actually used the Lathe to press the component parts of the pen together.  I have always used a small bench vice. The problem using a vice is actually lining up the parts in perfect line.  The Lathe does that naturally.  The next pens I make will be assembled as Bill the demonstrator did his.

If you are interested look at

I have made pens in the past.

It is quite a satisfying part of turning, as even doing a one-off, a finished article can come off the Lathe in about 30 or 40 minutes.

Now I haven't forgotten that I also said a Pic would follow of a Hazel Bud vase I made, unfortunately that bud vase formed a nasty split a couple of days after I brought it into the house.  I am now waiting for it to settle down to decide whether to try and fill the crack or just put it into the firwood basket...We shall see.

I hope both my loyal followers will return to find the ultimate fate of Hazel bud vase.  To be continued....

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