Tuesday, 26 July 2022

Time Flies

 Well it is almost threee months since my last posting,  I can only use the lacking motivation exscuse,  I haven't done very much of anything over the summer.  Bits of shed work,  bits of gardening, bits of reading, bits of playing the ukulele.  

I have been busy this last few days,  I spent a few days in Gloucester,  sadly to attend the funeral of my oldest cousin,  she passed away recently, just short of her 96th birthday.  I will always think of her as 'Young Laura'  Her Mother was my Dad's sister, My Aunt Laura.  cvonsequently her daughter was 'Young Laura'

As a young woman, she spent a couple of years as a Land Army girl towards the end of WW2,  Had an interesting life apart from the last few years when dementia took over.  I will miss her telling me I look like my Father and wanting to hug me.

I managed to have a short visit to Gloucester centre,  although during the hottest two days on record

A Lightship in Gloucester Docks

A view of Gloucester Cathedral

I hopefully will visit again when the Temperature is more clement.

I have managed to visit my shed this week, I have been trying to tidy up and re-organise inside the shed for several weeks,  It is still not totally to my loking but I have turned a few bits

These three items are made of Mulberry,  Purpleheart and Yew.  I will be taking better photos in the next day or so and putting them for sale on my Folksy page.

Enough for now,  I WILL be back shortly.

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