Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Late Summer

 As I said in the last posting,  I really don't know where this year is going.  The Garden is getting past it's best,  the Tomatoes are ripening in the greenhouse and yesterday we had the first good dose of rain for sevral weeks.  It filled up my various water butts anyway.

As well as the Tomatoes in the greenhouse I have thie above "new" Passiflora  (Passion flower) not sure of the name of this one, it was given to me a few months ago as a small cutting, but it is alive and well and hopefully will thrive.  My original blue one (Passiflora Cerulae) has been flowering all through the summer,  everyday there are 4 or 5 flowers visible and they only last for a day or so.  

I planted that one in a ring culture pot last year, so the roots have gone into the ground and will find enough moisture to survive even in the dry spells.  I may do the same with the new one in the spring assuming it will survive the winter.

Yesterday, I spotted this Red Admiral sat on my Hydrangea (Annabelle)  The flowers are fading now, just becoming tinged with brown, but the butterfly was happily sat there for about 15 minutes.  

I haven't seen many Red Admirals this year,  our normal butterflies are Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Painted Lady.  Of the hundreds of butterfly species, those are just about the only ones I ever see,  maybe they just don't like this part of Lancashire...or maybe I am not observant enough !

Just fro interest,  I frequently put photographs on Instagram.  search for me at ' howardjones641  '

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